Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Keep, return or exchange?

I promised myself I would never do this, but now I frequently go shopping and buy something thinking I might like it without trying it on. I take it home and try it on and take it back if it doesn't work.

Why this change of heart? Dressing rooms in general. First, they are the size of a small outhouse most of the time. I can barely turn around, much less change clothes or drag a kid or two in with me. They are cold. They certainly don't want you to stay too long. The last thing I need is goosebumps while trying on a bathing suit. Not pretty... The lighting also stinks. Tell me who has flourescent lighting anymore besides dressing rooms. Nothing like an erie blue/white/purple light to show all those flaws! And of course, the toddler. Let's see if I can fit under the dressing room wall or door mom?!!! Hey this lady is trying on the same bra and it fits her so much better, and she doesn't have stretch marks....

I can also live without salespeople's opinions most of the time. Who cares if you like it?! I will probably never see you again! And you don't have an ulterior motive do you, maybe a commission? What matters is if I like it, am comfortable in it, etc.

Needless to say I frequently have returns. Am I ashamed? Not a bit. What do I say when I return it? IF they ask, I tell them I decided I didn't want it! This all leads to a situation with hubs yesterday. He is a sweetie, and took the day off to help me out. I have a sick toddler who didn't sleep the night before and I had so much to do....

Anyway, he proceeded to replace brake light bulbs in my car. He went to the auto parts store and bought the bulbs that the little computer told him to get. He came home and tried to put them in. One was the wrong one. Hubby proceeds to look up another parts store to go to, because he doesn't want to look bad going back to the one where he bought the wrong bulb....

Are you kidding me?! Who cares what the checker at the auto store thinks, if they even notice!!!! Must be an ego thing.....


Heather said...

I also return clothes. There is nothing like shopping with a toddler. I would so have to take something back, then squeeze in that tight space with a 3 year old.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

I am with you. I have NO problem returning. It is my money, after all. And, their item. Simple.

My husband hardly buys anything to return it. Except all of the stuff in the garage. I probably shouldn't look in there, should I?

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Unknown said...

I agree with you, I have no problem returning stuff. I often return even if I do try it on in the tiny room, I might want to try it on with something else etc.
You hubby is too was the computers fault, not his.
Thanks for the comment you left, I'm so excited about SITS

Dana Tate said...

I aviod store and order online and I can totally identify with this post. Shopping with children is just too hard.

Lisa said...

I'm a return wimp. I don't often try anything on anymore, for the reasons you've stated, but I also don't often return things, even when I decide I'm not crazy about them. If it must be returned, I make my husband do it it. If I can live with it, I just keep it. I guess that's sort of dysfunctional, huh?

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

That is the cutest thing. I return things all the time, and never think twice about it. I can tell you from working in retail for years, that people return EVERYTHING!

Sturgmom said...

Sounds like my husband. Plus, I haggle if something rings up wrong, but he'd pay 3 prices to just get out of the store!

Sara said...

Just stopping by from SITS to say hello! You were the commenter above me today.
I hate to return stuff. If I don't have time to try it on, I don't buy it because I dread the idea of returning something. For some reason, I always feel really bad returning stuff, like I'm saying their stuff wasn't good enough or something. Weird, I know!

Chaos-Jamie said...

I have something to return to Target. Actually about six somethings on the same receipt. I'm feeling a bit embarrassed. I'm thinking about telling them they must be pumping highly oxygenated air in to make people impulse buy. I can't think of another excuse for why I brought home those six things anyway. Each time I told myself I'd take it back if I changed my mind. I didn't really think I'd change my mind on ALL of them.

The Redhead Riter said...

Stopping by from SITS to give a little blog ♥ Congrats on your SITS day!

That's funny. Personally, I think the best place to try on a bathing suit is at home in the dark...LOL

MrsM said...

I have to return stuff ALL THE TIME (same reason-I have three kids 5 and under I'm totally not doing a dressing room). Still, I'm more like your husband-I have traveled all the way to entirely different towns to make returns because I know I do it a lot and I don't want the cashiers to think I'm a crackhead or something.

BJ_Mama said...

HAHAHA! Everytime I take my toddler in the dresing room with me she crawls out too! All the passer-bys think it's so cute...or are they laughing at me cuz I have to bust out half-naked?

Anonymous said...

I worry way to much what people are thinking about me.

Rita Barakat said...

I hate returning things but I hate the dressing rooms more!

Unknown said...

it's a guy thing...kinda like the never ask for directions thing...*rolls eyes* Happy SITS day!! :-)

La Belle Mere said...

Definitely a Man Thing!!

Congrats on making FB!

B xxxxx

Anonymous said...


Helen McGinn said...

I return for wimpy friends. I, like you, have no problems returning and will only shop at return friendly stores. Although believe me, the return unfriendly ones eventually capitulate and give me my money back too. ;O) *L*

mub said...

In the US I have NO qualms about buying stuff with the possibility that I'll need to take it back... but here in the land of terrible (well, non-existent really) customer service and really crummy return rules I try to only buy things that I KNOW will work. It's probably cut down my spending by gobs *L*

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, love this post. Priceless.

Be sure and pop by and leave a note!


Deb said...

I haven't figured out how to do dressing rooms w/two toddlers either. I can usually make a guess with tops. But pants/shorts? I have one sort-of-fitting pair of each for when I go out in public...

Happy SITS day!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...


That's exactly why I hate clothes shopping. Perhaps I should try your technique...I'd probably stay sane and my girls would be sane too! UGH. I dread clothes shopping!

Happy SITS day!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Hubby sounds like a typical guy. ;) I HATE shopping with my two girls...hate it!!! It's my dream to have a day of uninterrupted shopping. :)

Happy SITS Day!

countryfriedmama said...

Whoever designed dressing rooms never had to push a stroller. Not only do I not try stuff on often, I rarely shop in stores at all. It's not worth the chaos.

Happy SITS day!


You'd think by now that shops would have some really sweet lighting to up their sales!

Congrats again on your SITS day!

Elizabeth Patch said...

Happy SITS day! and I know it seems hard to believe now, but someday you will miss having toddlers underfoot in the dressing room!

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

I return clothes a lot more now. I'm at the point in my life where if I don't LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it I don't keep it.

Sandra Winn said...

LOL, been there, done that. I also have irrational paranoia when in dressing rooms--is someone behind that mirror having a good laugh? LOL

Happy SITS Day!

~ Sandy

"We're all on this journey towards living a healthier lifestyle together"

Robin said...

I decide a few years back that if I buy something and then later decide I don't like it, I would give it to charity. As I see it, it's a win win win situation. I don't have to take it back, the store isn't out of a sale and someone less fortunate than I will have something brand new instead of someone's ugly old hand-me-down.

Ungirdled Passion said...

This is why I LOVE Target - I always use my credit card, and that way they never need a receipt - keep your purchases in the system for 90 days! This is the way to do it! Happy SITS

Susan said...

I impulse shop, so I expect myself to return things regularly... I have to, I'd be broke otherwise :) But yes, my hubs wont' return unless it's like a death threat waiting for him.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

I think I am more like your hubby in that way. I feel bad to return things. My hubby on the other hand doesn't feel anyway. You're brave. Have a wonderful SITS day and enjoy the spotlight.

Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

I agree, I'm a returner.

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

True about the changing rooms and the toddlers too. Which is why I prefer buyung online!

Chanda said...

I try to either go alone (hard feat I know!) or have hubby there to entertain the kids. Though I have been known to go into the handicapped dressing room so the kids can fit in there with me!

Life of a Stepmama said...

So true about changing rooms!!! I love to buy online or I go home and try stuff on and take back what doesnt work! Who cares!! Happy SITS day!!

Jackie said...

I return so many things too! I totally agree, it just isn't worth it to try on at teh stores - I would rather try on in the comfort of my own home : )

Happy sits day!

confused homemaker said...

I'm actually deciding whether to keep 2 dresses I just bought, dressing rooms & kids just don't mix.

Happy SITS day.

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

Hey, there's no sense wasting money if you don't like it and aren't going to wear it; so I totally get returning stuff.:)

missy said...

i too am a return queen!!!!!!!
my husband just rolls his eyes and tells me to find him in a different part of the store when i am done........why is that so embarassing!?!?!??!?!?!
it's only a return.......

Anonymous said...

I hate returning things. I do it when I need to... but I hate it.

BrnEyedGal said...

Too funny...
My husband is always buying things we don't need (or the wrong one of things we do) so I am seen returning things constantly!!! :)

Guide To Life For Women Author - TR Hughes said...

That is ridiculous - I would return no matter - if I can't use it - then it's no good to me. In the least if the time has past then I wait for the next donation pick up. Happy SITS!

Laura said...

I have never been one to try on clothes first. I take them home. They hang in my closet for a week or two & then I eventually get around to trying them on. That's how I ended up with a pair of low rise jeans & whenever I wear them, I feel like my pants are falling down.

I always wondered if there were cameras hidden somewhere.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Men. Aren't they precious.

Anonymous said...

I used to be the one who wouldn't return anything but lately I have been really good about it.

Creative Junkie said...

This is the ONLY way I shop for my kids now. I can't stand the whole dressing room bit and it's so much quicker for me to just pick stuff out, bring it home and then bring it back to return it. I can do that three times in the time it takes for my kids to go in the dressing room and try stuff on once.

Sarah said...

Yes, I share your apathy towards dressing rooms. It's so much easier just to take it home.......and figure out what else matches. I'm currently in quest for the perfect pair of jeans. Wish me luck!

Amy said...

I am too lazy to return clothes, and I am also too lazy to try them on. All the taking off your clothes, putting something else on, and then taking that off... it gets tiring! If what I buy (always on an incredible sale so I don't feel guilty) doesn't fit, I just pass it on down to my nieces. Problem solved, and I am the coolest aunt in the world!

Pollyanna said...

My problem is actually remembering to take stuff back.

I once returned $800 in lumber to Home Depot. THAT was embarassing! I don't know how Hubby talked me into doing it. At least I was able to talk my friend Barbie into coming with me - misery loves company!

I'd love to have you drop by my place: Life Makes Me Laugh

Katie said...

Hilarious that he wouldn't return the bulbs :) My hubby is the same way!
The Skinny On Getting Skinny

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I agree that shopping with a toddler changes things!! I do more returns now too.

Hannah said...

My hubby would have done the same thing, no doubt about it. That's why married men live longer ... they have more money to eat. Haha.

The Dutch Girl said...

My husband makes me return things... Which I have no problem doing! Happy SITS day!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I remember those days of shopping with a toddler. I still buy without trying and then make returns as necessary. Can't break the habit now that my children are older.

Jewls said...

I hate trying stuff on too! It's such a pain, and then if it doesn't fit you have to get dressed in your normal clothes and go grab another size...such a hassle! In fact, yesterday I had to exchange an iPOD arm band. The cashier didn't care at all...she actually took the box, scanned it, and then chucked it onto a shelf...see, no biggie!

Marrdy said...

I am with your hubby. I hate returning things. My hubby, on the other hand, has no problem at all!

Scrappy Girl said...

Dressing room = me naked under fluorescent thanks...LOL

Sarah Jensen said...

Hi from SITS.
I have to say, I take back things all the time, and my husband can't seem to bring himself to do it either. It must be an ego thing. :)

Anyway, I have a dressing room story I'm sure you'll appreciate, and find funny!

Jenn said...

Yes, I too and a taker backer. Only because I can't brave the tantrums that go with the shopping and trying on "experience".

Kekibird said...

This is why I don't shop: if I try on at the store, I hate it but if I take it home and it doesn't fit, I doubt I'll take it back because I'm a bit L A Z Y!! :o)

greedygirl1 said...

OMG I am notorious for returning things shoes, clothes, make-up whatever.

I don't abuse but sometimes you just get things home and find they are not for you.

I actually look for stores with friendly return policies. And I refuse to shop at stores that only give store credit. SITS

shortmama said...

I hate trying stuff on at the store!!!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I'm not real hip on the store tryin' on either - not only is it cramped but I also can't help but think about those creepy hidden camera incidents!! So I have no problem with returning - it's just finding the time to do that.

Happy SITS Day!

Lani said...

I HATE trying on clothes- I always just grab a size I know will not be too small, and buy it. The only problem is I never remember to return anything:)

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

I have three blouses in my closet right now I should have tried on. Grrrr!

Ali said...

I am so with you. Dressing rooms are the devil.

They call 'em returns so people can return things! No shame. :)

Lisa said...

I don't mind returning, i just have to remember where I put the receipt!!

Courtney said...

Lol, my hubs is a huge returner! Im always the one saying, we bought that months ago!

Jessica said...

I always return- after too many times of my daughter opening the dressing room on me!

Tonya said...

I don't like doing a lot of returns. It is a pain to wait in line, find the new item you want, wait in line again, and get your new purchase.

As for dressing rooms, I believe they should make them larger too. Most of the time, my son's stroller can't fit in there. One time, I took the last dressing room on the end and just left the door open with my son in front of the door. A girl had to do what a girl had to do! :-)

Amy said...

I would have gone back to the same store. Like you said who care...

tiarastantrums said...

men! my hubbie USED to be that way - until I added up all his non returns in the garage one day - he now returns all!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Oh, I can totally relate - to the dressing room thing that is! I hate shopping w/kids. And the whole returning thing I used to be embarrassed, but I got over it! My husband doesn't have probs w/the returning bit which is good! Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight.

Claudya Martinez said...

I have no problem returning things. Sometimes I buy something in 2 sizes and return the one that doesn't fit. No shame.

Hope your SITs day has made you feel like a million bucks!

Unknown said...

I do this sometimes too...especially when shopping with the kiddos!

Anonymous said...

I hate returning stuff so I try everything on. I hate clothes shopping because of it.

Anonymous said...

I return stuff because I'm too lazy to try stuff on at the store. LOL!

CoffeewithZooly said...

I used not to return but now I do and like you I don't bother to try things. It takes a little bit of effort but I'm positive my wardrobe is better off and the clothes fit/suit me. Not what the 16yr assistant thinks is the fashion to wear.(Nothing against most of the assistants its that you're just inexperienced & we expect too much)

S Club Mama said...

So funny. I have only bought maternity clothes lately, but now with 2 kids, I can see the dilemma. However, again, it'll be awhile before I buy clothes...hate to buy something I'll (hopefully) not fit into (soon).

Pam said...

NO man wants to admit he was wrong about something "mechanical" in front of another man. It's ALL ego!

tammy said...

Over the years I've become a lot like you. I grab it and buy it...then return it if I need to. Sometimes, taking the time to try it on in the store is just more headache! I have no problem returning it. So...did you go and return the bulb?

Lamonica said...

I don't like to return things. When I buy something, especially clothes, I try to make sure I really like the item before I purchase it.

Stopping by from SITS

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

I am definitely NOT afraid to return something. If it doesn't work, it's not my fault so why feel bad about it?

Why do husbands have such a hard time returning things?? It seem silly to me.

Patricia said...

the shoe is on the other foot... I hate returning things. Hubby has no problem but then again he procrastinates so long that when he finally goes to do it... it's to late and I can't rag him cause I was too chicken too *L*

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Happy SITS day!

I try on at home and then return.

Atlanta said...

Sorry Im so late! happy SITS day!! Im always hot in the dressing room. Iprobably come out looking like I ran a marathon! Maybe its the physical labor of draging a 3 year old or 7 AND 3 year old out from under the door between and during each item of clothing. SHUT THE DOOR! Mom has a thong on and IT'S NOT PRETTY!!! lol And next time tell you Man to just go in and blame it on you. They will probably believe him. And it will save his tender male ego! lol My husband gets mad when I buy stuff contantly and return it. I tell him I liked it in the store, but that was probably because I didnt have time to see it because the kids were crawling on the disgusting floor under the seat... =)Ahhh motherhood.

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

I hear you. This reminds me... I once took my 2 year old son with me to try on bathing suits. WHAT was I thinking? Didn't that little stinker take off UNDER the door and run out of the dressing room to who-knows-where at EXACTLY the worst moment. You know... when you're almost undressed and you CAN'T run out. I was yelling at him. Luckily he didn't go to far, but I'm sure everyone else in the dressing room was wondering why some weird lady was screaming at her kid.

na na said...

I used to have a strict rule: Never buy anything without trying it on first.

Then I had my son. LOL, nuff said.


mamammelloves said...

What's funny about this is that it sounds quite the opposite of my hubby and I... He is always buying things and then returning them if he isn't fully satisfied with them (mostly from Home Depot or Best Buy). I am getting better about returning things that I don't like, or that don't fit me very well, but I really hate having to go back to the store! What I hate most is having to try clothes on... so I usually just grab the size I need and try it on at home (praying that it fits..). ;)

the planet of janet said...

i have no fear of returning to the counter.


Michelle (hometc) said...

The male ego is such a fragile thing!

Elizabeth D. said...

I fully understand your predicament, although my toddler still will tolerate being in his stroller (which presents a whole new dilemma, fitting the stroller into the outhouse-sized dressing room). :)

Michelle said...

Well men...come on...that would be like admitting they were wrong. LOL

Unknown said...

haha that sounds like me and Ken. I don't have a problem returning stuff at all and Ken won't even ask for a different meal if they screw his up. Guess that's why we work out together.

Jodi said...

I return things all the time. Why keep stuff you'll never use, right?

Happy SITS:)

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Gosh I hate employees who use their comission as a motive to annoy you!! I have no toddle either but I do know what you mean about dressing rooms. Those lights! GAH! Happy SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!! men are so goofy! i still have a set of brake pads sitting in the back of my truck because my husband got the wrong ones and refused to take them back for fear of embarrassment! I tried to get the receipt from him so I could return it but of COURSE he threw it away. Another annoying man trait. lol

Charmaine said...


Jessica said...

My husband's the same way. I'm not sure why he thinks it's an imposition to the checker taking the merchandise back, but he does. It's the weirdest thing!

shraddha said...

Happy SITS Day!

Kim said...

I return stuff ALL the time! Sometimes I even buy two different sizes of the same thing so that I can just keep the one that fits! Eeek! I figure with the economy the way it is they should be grateful I'm even buying something!

Maureensk said...

Men! They and their little manly egos, aren't they so cute! :-) I have always been nervous about having my toddlers in dressing rooms as once when my mom was changing clothes in a dressing room, I (a toddler at the time) decided that I should take my baby brother in his stroller for a walk. My mom ran out as quick and decently as she could, but I still made it to the parking lot before a lady stopped me.

Juliet Grossman said...

That is hilarious!

Adry said...

hahaha! loved this. I return stuff and if anything I hate doing it because it is a pain to do with 4 kids in tow. hubby here doesn' mind returning stuff except he hates the hassle of actually going there to do it. :) thanks for the post...I've considered taking a beebee gun into dressing rooms and shooting out those damn lights. Horrible. What are they thinking? Are they trying to make sure we DON'T buy stuff? Hellooo?

piecemeal people said...

Your dressing room gripe reminded me of one of the stalls in the bathroom at my grocery store - it is INFURIATINGLY small. Once my three year old goes in, he has to stand behind the toilet so I can get in and close the door behind me - which, of course, opens INTO the stall. So convenient.