Monday, July 27, 2009

Blue Like Play Dough

Perspective is a wonderful thing. A lot in life depends on perspective. When you go through something difficult in your life, are you hard and rigid, unyielding to the point of pain and breakage? When it's over, do you sigh "Whew, that was hard, I'm glad it's over!" OR Do you in the midst of the situation, say "You know what, I can get through this? God has equipped me. What can I learn or impart to others, right here, right now?"

I have to admit I have been guilty of being the stiff, unyielding child in many situations (even the last year or so). God has been working on me in this area, so I was thrilled to read Blue Like Play Dough by Tricia Goyer.

As moms, you know that motherhood comes with pulling, stretching and tugging on you in every direction. This book is filled with nuggets of wisdom. Once again, I have marked a dozen passages that ministered to my heart.

Tricia shares personal accounts from teenage pregnancy to dealing with her grandfather's death and everything in-between. From reading her accounts of God's hand on her life, molding her like play dough, you will recognize yourself.

You know how play dough becomes more pliable the more it is worked? Wouldn't you like God to work so much in your life as a mom that you are like putty in His hands? Are you willing to let God use you where you are? Are you heeding His call on your life, even if it doesn't seem in line with your desires? God is there all the time. He loves you and wants to mold you, if you will just be willing to be "smooshed" a little.

Tricia Goyer is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including Generation NeXt Parenting and the Gold Medallion finalist Life Interrupted. Goyer writes for publications such as Today’s Christian Woman and Focus on the Family, speaks to women’s groups nationwide and has been a presenter at the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) national convention. She and her husband, John, live with their family in Montana.

If you are interested in following Tricia's blog, you can get to it from here.

You can read more and purchase the book here.

OR Leave a comment here by Friday, July 31 for a chance to win your own copy!


Tracey said...

LOL,, Pants are called trousers! xxx

Shelley said...

Yes, I have been the stiff, rigid child too. Especially in the last year. I'd love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

Ann said...

Sounds like a really good book. I have been looking for a good book to read, esp. one involving God. I would love to win this book.

Thanks for stopping by!

The Mrs. said...

perspective is everything!

sounds like a great book.

Thanks for stopping by my place, i'll be back!

Aunt Julie said...

Thanks for the recommendation! BTW, SITS sent me over, and I'm having a giveaway, too! EVERYBODY wins, so please come on by!

Marina@EBMR said...

sounds like a good book and inspirational too!

PS Stopping by from come visit my blog and enter the 2 giveaways...while at my blog please could you help me build up comments for the blog giveaway I'm trying to win? Thank you

GypsyFox said...

WOW I could not think a of a better book giveaway, than a book like this for Mommies :)

Anonymous said...

The sounds like a great book!

Happy SITs day!

Amy said...

I have been looking at this book but I haven't purchased it yet. If I don't win this giveaway I will have to do that!

Renee said...

Sounds like
happy sits day!

Dixiemom7 said...

Sounds like a great book. It's taken me a while to let God shape my circumstances (and me) and sometimes I still want to resist! Isn't that what dried-out old playdough is like? I don't think anyone wants to be dried-out or old. ;) Glad I stopped by from SITS!

Stacey said...

Sounds like a great book and my life exactly. Playdough!

Tonya said...

This sounds like it could be a really good book. I am always looking for different books with Mommy advice! :-)

Embrace31 said...

this looks like a really great book! I lead a readers and writers group at our church and I am sure the girls would love to hear all about this author and her book.
Thank you for sharing!
Cristina P
Keller Tx

S Club Mama said...

this sounds fantastic! thanks

Wendy said...

I have been the stiff, rigid child as well.

Thanks for the chance to enter your contest!

Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

Bumblebees and Bugladies

Adiba Nelson, Author/Blogger/Mom said...

as a new mommy myself (to a little girl) I ay have to check that book out....i am a fairly tongue in cheek, sarcastic kind of girl and go through life with a "humor:ON" button attached to my forehead....and while I can find humor everyday in being a mommy (it's amazing to me that my daughter's favorite place to spit up is in my cleavage - are you kidding me???), it is also something i take really seriously and realize full well that I DEFINITELY need God's hand in this one.....congrats on being the FB on tuesday!

Adry said...

Save me from myself and let me win this book as I find myself painted into a corner. Perspective is everything but right now my perspective is a little tunnel vision. I know God has nothing but the best intentions for me afterall I am His daughter. But sheesh life is hard, exhausting and challenging. Somedays it can feel like an uphill battle. If this life can be difficult being a Christian, I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't have Christ. Scary thought actually. So help me win! And... stop by my blog for my life stories. This is where I find solace, release and either a good laugh or a good hearty cry.