Before you all groan about another diet book and another fad, reserve your judgment on this one, okay?. While so many "diet" books I have read in the past may have me inspired for a while (we did South Beach for 4-5 months last year), I believe that lifestyle changes are much more important than "diets".
This book IS NOT a ONE Day diet fad. Let's just get that out of the way now, because you may from the title be misled that this is a fad book. You may think - "I'm all for easy and doing it in a day!" I have news for you, becoming healthy has nothing to do with easy! Bringing that kind of thinking to ANY book about a lifestyle change is going to lead to failure.
The One-Day Way by Chantel Hobbs IS about transforming your thinking. It IS about removing old and unhealthy practices from your life. It IS about being your best every day. It isn't about being pathetic. It IS about taking control and being worth every minute of it!
What is your biggest challenge to being healthy or losing weight? One of mine is guilt and regret when I don't have what I perceive to be enough "willpower" and in turn, I have a "setback". Chantel tries to change our thinking to living for today. What can I do TODAY to make a better choice for my health and the person I want to be? Yesterday is gone and living for tomorrow all the time becomes a mode for discouragement, especially if we are always looking at JUST the BIG picture. Celebrate the small victories (not with hot fudge sundaes), and build on those victories. When you fail, know that tomorrow is a new day to make a better choice, pick yourself up and don't dwell in the past.
Hobbs also incorporates ideas for fasting, menu planning, exercise and indulgences as well as stressing the importance of faith on the journey. She lost over 200 lbs and kept it off, so she speaks from experience.
The author of
Never Say Diet and
The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer, Chantel Hobbs is a motivational speaker, life coach, personal trainer, marathon runner, wife, and mother of four whose story has been featured on
The Today Show,
Good Morning America,
Fox & Friends, the
700 Club, and the covers of
People and
First magazines. She appears weekly on two fitness-themed radio programs and promotes her One-Day Way Learning System on television. Visit Chantel at ChantelHobbs.com for fitness updates and coaching tips.
Provided for review By Waterbrook/Multnomah.
I have a copy for someone who needs the motivation and change it might bring to your life. Leave a comment here by
Friday, January 15 for a chance to win.