First, for the few that read this and know me, you know I'm not really a practical joker. Now, the funny stuff - I was in the grocery store with the children a couple of weeks ago and tod each child they could pick out a package of cookies. Two of them picked out cookies immediately and Sha Sha decided to peruse the selections and carefully consider her options. About the time that I was losing my patience, she reaches for a package of "grasshoppers" and asks, "What are these, Mom?" And in complete seriousness, I respond "Chocolate Mint (insert pause) and grasshoppers." Let me tell you that you have never seen someone jerk back from a package of cookies faster. It also made the stockboy's day!
I knew that Doodle Animals were a bad idea. That's why I never bought any. Someone else bought one for NiNi a couple of years ago. They boy found one of the markers today and NiNi told him what it was for. A few hours later we find that he has taken a REGULAR marker and marked on a handful of REGULAR stuffed animals. Which has been my objection to the Doodle animals all along....the fact that some children will not be able to make the distinction.....
A friend of my hubby's wife is expecting their first child. She is overdue by a couple of days. He called hubby last night and told him they were headed to the hospital. Today we found out it was a false alarm and they were sent home. Hubby commented, "Poor guy, that's rough!" To which I respond, "What do you mean poor GUY! His poor WIFE! I know how miserable it is to be that pregnant and be sent home!" Hubby responded, "You don't know what it's like for the guy. To which I respond, "No I don't, but I do know what it's like to squeeze something out of your body that is 5 times the size of the opening!!"
Wow that seems like a lot of ranting....
The holiday tomorrow promises to be relaxing. A good part of the laundry is done, homework is done, the house is fairly clean, the hubby should be off work and it should be a good day. If only the kids would sleep in past 6:30.....
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
18 hours ago