This book is thought provoking. I am struggling through it, but not because it is bad, but because it stirs things in me, and maybe hits too close to home. It is a study on several Psalms. And I am about halfway through and have dog-earred some pages. I thought sharing passages that have impacted me might be a good way to showcase this book, so -
1 - First, read Psalms 42:8-10. "These three verses rip the mask off artificial prayers filled with fake happiness and pithy sentiments. They remind us of the freedom we have to pour out the messy sorrows of our hearts to our heavenly Father instead of trying to suppress the sad stuff.....Do you ever wonder why, since our Savior consented to suffering, we try to avoid it at all costs?....Most of us do everything we can to sidestep the slightest twinge of discomfort. But dodging pain makes for an anxious existence. And trying to cruise through life in the single gear of 'happy' makes for an ineffective witness. How can we expect others to connect with our faith story when we've edited out the hard parts, the parts they most identify with?"
2 - Psalm 42:11 "Authentic joy is often forged in the kiln of ache. Horrible messes really can lead to hope-filled messages.
3 - Psalm 83:15-18 "Have you ever tallied up people who don't share your positions on moral issues like abortion and homosexuality in a mental 'enemy' column? Do you expend as much energy hoping they'll come to know the Lord as you do hoping they'll be proved wrong? Have you ever felt anything close to love for you enemies?"
And those are only 3 examples, people. This book is chock full of nuggets on how to apply the messages of the Psalms to your everyday life.
The book covers Psalms 1, 62, 139, 51, 83, 110, 8, 34, 23, 119, 149, & 150.

Caught up in the self-imposed pressure to do and be all the things they think a Christian woman ought to do and be, countless women are working desperately to convince everyone, including God, that they have it all together. Few have any idea that the Creator of the universe looks at them with delight even when they yell at the dog, drive a minivan littered with French fries, or think bad words about that rude clerk at the store.
A Perfect Mess offers hope to every woman who yearns for a vibrant relationship with God but worries she isn’t good enough or doesn’t do enough to merit His affection. With characteristic authenticity, speaker and author Lisa Harper shares poignant stories from her own imperfect life to showcase the real-life relevancy of the Bible in the lives of modern women.
As she guides readers on a story-driven journey through selected Psalms, they will be inspired to experience for themselves how God’s incomparable love transforms the messiness of life into a gorgeous work of grace.
Lisa Harper is a master storyteller whose lively approach connects the dots between the Bible era and modern life. She is a sought-after Bible teacher and speaker whose upcoming appearances include the national Women of Faith Conferences. A veteran of numerous radio and television programs and the author of several books, she also is a regular columnist for Today’s Christian Woman magazine. Lisa recently completed a master’s of theological studies from Covenant Theological Seminary. She makes her home outside Nashville.
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