8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. A four day weekend with the kiddos!
2. Losing the other 20 lbs!
3. Doing some work on our house.
4. Warm weather.
5. Cold and flu season being OVER!
6. Making some yummy stuff for Easter Dinner.
7. Finishing Spring Cleaning...
8. Going home to be with my God!
8 Things I Did Yesterday: (It doesn't look like much because I did so much on Tuesday, so I could spend time with hubby on his day off!)
1. Took hubby shopping with me for a new dress!
2. Went out to lunch with hubby and Gigi.
3. Bought shoes for my daughter and myself.
4. Went and bought Easter ham, and snacks for the boy's class.
5. Read blogs and checked facebook.
6. Made some yummy chinese chicken for dinner.
7. Enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather. (but today it is rainy and cold. Blech!)
8. Bathed Gigi.
8 Things I Wish I Could do:
1. Knit.
2. Have time and energy to finish my "projects".
3. Snap my fingers (or twitch my nose and flick my ponytail if you are a Bewitched fan), and have the house clean!
4. Go on vacation with hubby alone.
5. Release "mommy guilt" more easily and not let it cripple me.
6. Go to bed earlier.
7. Take the children on the vacation of a lifetime without worrying about the cost.
8. Have all my family and friends believe in a Savior and Creator.
8 Shows I Watch:
1. House
2. Monk
3. Psych
4. Lie to Me
5. Chuck
6. Clean House
7. What Not to Wear
8. All those diy home improvement things. (Hubby is going to start limiting me, because his "honey do" list is growing)!
8 people I tag:
1.-8. You!!!