Friday, March 5, 2010

Dancing with My Father (review and giveaway)

In the church lobby the other day, my dear two year old heard the worship team practicing and she stopped what she was doing and began dancing. She didn't worry about a schedule, where she needed to be, who was watching or who was judging her actions. The beautiful image it presented made my heart flutter. If only I could express the same joy! Often, I get too discouraged by my circumstances and agendas to just drop everything and express the gift of joy bestowed on me through Christ!
Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson uses biblical references and insights as well as examples from the author's life to reveal what life can be like if we trust our God. Listening to His voice, searching for Him around us, examining our hearts for wrong attitudes, and protect our hearts from "joy robbers" and deception. But it is much more as well. It is a comfort to the hurting, telling them there is hope and joy isn't based on your circumstances. It is all about relationship. Relationship with God. The book is well written and inspiring.

Questions at the end of each chapter offer an opportunity to use the book for personal or group study.

If you are interested in a copy for yourself, leave a comment here by next Friday, March 12 and I'll select a random commenter.

This book was provided for review by Waterbrook/Multnomah. No other compensation was provided.


Melinda said...

Looks like a great book! I want to be more in the moment, too. I am far too task-oriented, but I'm learning not to miss opportunities to hear Him speak and enjoy His blessings.

Anonymous said...

would love to read this book...if it's not too late.


Heather said...

Your daughter has the right idea! Looks like a great book.