My friend, Mrs. Nurse Boy, at Poop on Jelly shared 10 of her favorite things that start with the letter "F" earlier this week. I asked to join in on the fun. I was assigned the letter "G." So, my ten favorite things that begin with the letter "G" are...
In no particular order....
#1 - God - The Author and Perfecter of my life, my faith. My hope is found in Him alone. I praise Him for his protection, his love and his mercy.
#2 - Goals - I always need something to strive toward. Goals are a big part of that for me. In the words of the motivator, Zig Ziglar, "I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants."
#3 - Giggles - Who can resist? Whether it is a "toddler tickle" giggle, a "big girls who can't sleep because they are talking" giggle, a "little boy potty humor" giggle, or a mama or daddy guffaw, laughter is contagious. It keeps me young too! (Not that I consider myself old!)
#4 - Garages - I HATE scraping ice and snow! I don't even think I own an ice scraper anymore. (Which has gotten me in a pinch when I've parked outside a public place and it iced or snowed while I was inside!)
#5 = Garage Sales - The "Garage Sale" Queen. This is one reason I wish I lived in a more moderate climate. Year round Sales!!! I make do in the winter hitting the thrift stores.
#6 - Girlfriends - Who understand me when hubby doesn't. Who sympathize with mommyhood. Who let me cry on their shoulder. Who don't condemn me for how I feel. Who smack me upside the head when I need it (figuratively, not literally.)
#7 - Grace - Freely given unmerited favor in the eyes of God.
#8 - Good Books - Adjectives do so count!!! I am convinced I keep publishers in business...
# 9 - Green - I have often thought my favorite colors were purple and red. And while I do like them, green is definitely giving them a run for the money. Green grass and green trees signify life and being ALIVE! (I can't wait for spring!!)
#10 - Glue - I can patch just about anything with glue. Wood glue, elmer's school glue, rubber cement, hot glue gun, super glue.... It is my Duct tape!!!
OK, so does anyone else want to play? Come on! You know you do! Let me know in the comments, and I'll assign you a letter.
Garlic Beef & Spinach with Cheese Tortellini
3 days ago
Love this list! You made "G" look easy! That was fun!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
I love your list. And I've always thought that Zig Zigler sounds just like Barny Fife - what do you think? :)
Hi, just wanted to see if you got my email. Hope that was ok?
Great list!
Ok, I'll play! Give me a letter, and I will give you great news!
You are the winner of the Fancy Nancy Book from my giveaway over at
Shoot me an email with your address!
Great list. And yes, I definitely think good books count!
good golly gracious
great grammer
gallons of giggles
gadzooks gal
Nice "G" list. :)
All I can think of is
I was looking for Wenda...but I don't see her here. She hasn't been to see me yet either. :)
What a great G list!! Just popping by some random blogs from SITS on the hunt for Wenda! Good luck.
Cute Blog!
I'll add #11- Gummy Bears, Goobers, and Grape Jelly!
Love the list! Great blog. I'll take a letter!
I looooooove a good garage sale too. I can't wait for spring, I'm having major bargain withdrawls!
I'll give this a try...Man I hope I don't get z!
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