Today was a difficult day. The Boy got his own breakfast and left out 1/2 gallon of milk. By the time I made it to the kitchen and saw said milk, it was too far gone.
Every time I put Gigi down to nap today, The Boy would go in to comfort her every time she stirred. Keep in mind that his idea of comfort is to scream "That's okay baby" while giving her the equivalent of a good slap on the head. Needless to say that Gigi didn't respond too well.
The Boy also did several things that he knew he shouldn't to get Mom's attention today. Sneaking in Mom's bedroom to watch TV without permission. Throwing his laundry on the bedroom floor instead of putting it away and just all out ignoring Mom's directions. These things were all performed while Mom was feeding Gigi. We certainly have jealousy issues....
I did sit down and play Memory with him this morning and curled up in bed this morning with him to watch cartoons.
I did end up in tears as I felt that I was spread too thin. Yes this is the same mom who two days ago was lamenting the joy of having the burden lightened by having two at camp.....
I suppose the lack of sleep last night didn't help the situation any either...
Big Boo Cast: Episode 433
1 day ago
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