Anyway, the award is the Kreativ blogger award and I have to pass it on to 7 other blogs.

Okay - here goes -
Some of my favs
1. Chaos-Jamie at Surviving the Chaos - Book reviews, great friend, and a mom with 4 kids being real and honest.
2. Mrs. Nurse Boy at Poop on Jelly - Some of my family's favorite recipes have come from this longtime friend.
3. Amanda at Imperfectly Beautiful- She has some awesome decorating tips and ideas.
4. Lulu's Hook - She has some fabulous earrings and crochet ideas!
5. Little Birdie Secrets - Some great recipes, crafts, crochet patterns....
6. Jenn at Girly Do's - I have three girls and I'd love to do some of her great hairdos on them...if only they would sit still long enough!
7. Megan at whatever. She has beautiful photos and great craft ideas. Check out her "Art therapy" bathroom!
There are so many others that I love and follow too. Visit these and pass along your love. If you are one of the people I awarded this to, pass it along to seven others.